E Learning Management System With Admin Panel

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May 24, 2021

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Detalles del producto

It is an e-learning platform with admin panel for the colleges or schools where student can view and download the courses uploaded by their respective college or school mentors.

Quick Guide for Students :

1. Register and then login.

2. Accessing Content uploaded by mentors.

3. Can download the content.

Quick Guide for Mentors :

1. login to website by the username and password which were provided by admin.

2. Uploading the lecture to their allotted section.

Quick Guide for Admin :

1. Creating Mentor Profile and alloting them their subject.

2. Clicking on Add Standard button to create the respective topics.

3. Clicking on Add Subject button to create the subtopics inside standard section

Demo Details :

Students logins: Username: Param123, Password: testpassword

Mentors loginsUsername: rohit, Password: testpassword

Admin logins: Username: admin, Password: admin

Student can download the content and ask doubts in comments section of every lecture, teachers can edit or delete their lesson,admin can control the topics and subtopics which will be displayed on website and also can create or delete the Student and Mentor profile.

File Tree

  • 📁 E Learning Management System With Admin Panel

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